London Borough of Islington
Brownfield land
There is a problem
- 116 entries must have valid URIs
- SiteReference
- P2017/2065/FUL
- SiteReference
- P2017/2065/FUL
- SiteNameAddress
- Andover Estate, 61 Corker Walk
- Deliverable
- yes
- HazardousSubstances
- Hectares
- 10.53
- MinNetDwellings
- NetDwellingsRangeFrom
- 71
- NetDwellingsRangeTo
- 71
- OwnershipStatus
- owned by a public authority
- PermissionDate
- 2018-06-21
- PermissionType
- other
- PlanningHistory
- PlanningStatus
- permissioned
- SiteplanURL
- GeoX
- POINT(-0.113794 51.563516)
- GeoY
- POINT(-0.113794 51.563516)
- Notes
- Site plan is available on Islington interactive mapping website. Specific site is identifiable via SiteReference and SiteNameAddress attribute data.. Hybrid planning application involving Outline consent (scale, access and layout) for the phased redevelopment of the Andover Estate allowing for the erection of buildings up to 6 storeys to provide a gross total of 199 new dwellings (comprising 22 x 1 bedroom dwelling; 133 x 2 bedroom dwelling; 43 x 3 bedroom dwellings; 1 x 4 bedroom dwelling); estate-wide public realm and landscape improvements, including new children's play space; reconfiguration of existing estate-wide car parking; and provision of up to 763 cycle parking spaces and other non housing development. Full detailed consent for part of the proposal described above involving 64 residential units (comprised of 19 x 1 bedroom flats, 31 x 2 bedroom flats and 14 x 3 bedroom houses) across 6 infill sites and reconfiguration of existing dwellings and garages); public realm improvements including new landscaping and play facilities and associated hard & soft landscaping, reconfiguration of existing estate-wide car parking; and provision of a minimum of 162 cycle parking spaces, and other non housing development.
- OrganisationLabel
- OrganisationURI
- LastUpdatedDate
- 2018-12-19
- FirstAddedDate
- 2018-12-19
- EndDate
How to fix this issue
Your dataset is missing the PlanningHistory column.
The Brownfield land guidance explains how to fix the issue:
Enter links to any web pages that give information on the site’s planning history (include the “http://” or “https://” prefix). Fields in this column can contain more than one link, as long as you separate multiple links with the pipe character (‘|’). You can leave this field blank.
How to improve London Borough of Islington’s data
- Fix the errors indicated
- Use the check service to make sure the data meets the standard
- Publish the updated data on the endpoint URL